Do you manage your time like your money?


How many times have you heard the saying ‘Time is money’ and how often have you thought that that is so true. Time is a precious resource- just like money. You work hard to make time in your life for the things you enjoy most – just as you work hard to make money. However, there is a large difference between the two. Time is never redeemable. Once it is gone, that is it. There is no going out to get some back. On the other money can be earned or replaced.

So if time is money and precious, how do you manage it wisely and make the most of it? Here are some thoughts.

  • Have a goal. Work out what it is you want. It may be starting your own business, expanding the company/business, buying an investment property, running a marathon. Whatever – but have a goal.

  • The next step is to work out where you are now – personally, financially and time wise.

  • Having worked out where you are now, you need to work out how you are going to get to your goal. This may mean working smarter, not necessarily longer/harder, saving money, working on your business, not in your business, using time more efficiently and/or prioritising your time so that it is more effective in getting you to your goal.

Being organised with ‘to do lists’, calendars, delegating non essential tasks working out a budget can all assist in saving time and getting you from where you now, to your goal.

Time is often what we need most, but is sometimes what we don’t use well.


If you want to live more, give Carly a call at Quintillion on 0455 300 636 and ask how she can help free up your time.


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