What does a personal concierge really do?


What does a personal concierge really do?

Let me explain.

If you have a 21st, 40th, 50th or anything in between celebration, a personal concierge will organise the whole show from woe to go. You need a venue? Done. You need a personal chef or other catering arrangements. Done. You need accessories or decorations? Done. You need flowers delivered on time and looking spectacular? Done. Anything else? Done.

If you need assistance with housekeeping, cleaning or tradespeople to plumb, paint or plant, a personal concierge has a list – a list that knows no bounds for reliability, and dependability.

If you need assistance with administration in your office or business, a personal concierge has all the backup you need for peace of mind and extra time.

So, what does a personal concierge really do?

It’s all about time – that intangible ingredient that busy people and successful businesses need in spades and can never get enough of. A personal concierge can provide that valuable ingredient.

That’s what a personal concierge really does.     


Lists. Lists. Lists…. and how to make them less.


Who needs a concierge?