It’s now time to Spring Clean


After the long cold winter months of hunkering down and keeping warm, some warmer weather and the prospect of even warmer weather to come, usually encourages people to emerge from the cocoon of home and hearth. This also usually prompts people to get off the couch and into the cleaning mood.

Similarly, this is a good time to spring clean your life – out with the same old, same old, in with some new ideas and plans. Get rid of all those jobs, tasks and to do lists. Free up your time and your energy for the things you value most in your life.  So here are some tips on how to get through all the ‘stuff’ that prevents you from spending time on the things that matter:

  • Plan – your week. What do you need to do, where and when? Planning puts you in control. When you are in control, no task is too tough.

  • Off load any tasks that anyone else can do. Don’t mess with the mindless stuff.

  • Christmas is only about 3 months away. Do you need to organise a Christmas/End of Year dinner/event for staff? Get onto it.

  • Holidays anyone? Where, when and how? Think about it.


If you want to live more, give Carly a call at Quintillion on 0455 300 636 and ask how she can help free up your time.


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